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25 Amazing Tricks with Paper Cups - Sam Berland

  • Units in Stock: 1000



Sam Berland offers adaptations of classic magic effects, as well as tricks that are new in both effect and principle - all using common, everday paper cups! With the trend away from gimmicky-looking magic props and apparatus, this 1942 publication is more timely than ever! Paper cup magic is perfect for club and kid show workers, street magicians, or anyone interested in performing magic with this readily available and inexpensive item. Plus, any preparation required takes just minutes and is clearly explained with concise explanations and excellent Thomas Libonati illustrations. Completely re-typeset with high resolution illustrations, 31 pages.

Effects include:

Liquid Vanishing Cup
Liquid Goes
Cola to Confetti
The Sugar Hoarder
Water on the Knee
Jigger thru the Handkerchief
Diminishing Drink
Vanishing Cup of Liquid in Newspaper
Cups go Rice Bowl
Granulated Sugar...Lumps
The Magic Baker
Multiplying Sugar and Hot Coffee
Appearing Silk in Cup
Egg and Silk Transposition
Triple Production from Cups
Liquid Appears
Silk and Water
From Cup to Cup
Where Does the Liquid Go?
Cup of Cola thru the Hat
The Homing Cup
Liquid Producing Cup
Penetration of Liquid
A Magic Separation
Transposition of Liquids
Cups and Balls with Liquid Finish

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